Support Trail 2025

The Kootenay Music Festival Society is dedicated to providing an opportunity for young performers to achieve excellence. To encourage participation, we like to keep entrance fees as low as possible as well as bring in high-quality adjudicators.   We depend entirely on voluntary support and assistance, so we appreciate any financial contributions to the Festival.

Contact our Fundraising Coordinator, Michele Skuce, to explore opportunities to supporting this Festival:


For donations, please  
use Interac e-Transfer to
Kootenay Music Festival Society

or complete this form with a cheque donation and mail it to the address below. 

Thank you!


Donors will be identified to be thanked on the Kootenay Festival of the Arts website

I wish my donation to be anonymous: ____Yes, please        ____ No, thank you

I wish my donation to be applied to an award for _____________________________
                                                                                                                                                (Name a category)